Friday, July 29, 2011

Metis-sur-Mer: Reford Gardens Book Launch

Alexander Reford, the great grandson of Elsie Reford who began and 
tended the gardens a century ago, introduces the author of The Survivor.

Alexander got a degree from Oxford University, as did Paul, and 
was Dean of Students at University of Toronto before be took over 
the gardens from an unsuccessful attempt by the Quebec 
Government to run them. The Gardens, on of the wonders of 
Eastern Canada, has international exhibitions, and is completely 
funded from its entrance and other fees.
Paul spoke to a receptive group, many of whom knew his 
mother, Rene.
Paul signs a book for Morgan, the granddaughter of Joan 
Price-Winser, former Consul General in Los Angeles.
Summer residents from Montreal and beyond line up for Paul 
to sign their books.
Pretty Florence Guillemette, summer student working for the CLAC 
(the host of the literary series).

Les jardins de Métis or Reford Gardens are a paradise of greenery with 
some 3,000 species of indigenous and exotic plants. Reford Gardens are 
at the heart of a rich tradition that also includes the International Garden 
Festival, a unique forum of ideas and garden design. The gardens and 
festival are complemented by the Parc de la rivière Mitis, which protects 
the shoreline and its ecosystems for all to enjoy.

Living walls, with waterfall, grasses and impatiens. 

Here are a few pictures from past Metis shows.

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